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Welcome to the Philanthropy and Civil Society Blog

What does it take to do good, well?  What does it take to make good giving decisions?  Is it possible to make bad giving decisions? How can I make the most difference with the money I have to give away?  How can I make the most positive difference in the Binghamton community? 

We will ask these and other questions this semester.  No doubt, you will sometimes leave class and wish you had shared an idea that came to you during the class discussion.  Other days, something important may occur to you days after a class discussion.  This blog is the place to have conversations outside of class.  Its goal is to contribute to your learning and make it possible for you to continue your conversations after you leave class.  Use it as a a resource to contribute to your learning and your growth as a class over the course of the semester. 

I look forward to your discussions hear and to learning from them!


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